알콤 렙타일 PRO 90 > 파충류 부화기

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Love of life begins here, with Rcom Products


Rcom REPTILE PRO 90 요약정보 및 구매

Manufacturer AUTOELEX
포인트 4,620
Brand Rcom
Model PX-R90
판매가격 462,000원
배송비 3,500 원 (50,000원이상 주문시 무료)

알콤 렙타일 PRO 90 은(는) 상품의 특성상, 박스(BOX) 또는 밀봉포장 개봉 후에는 상품가치 하락으로 교환/반품이 불가한 상품입니다.

(배송용 박스 포장 훼손 및 상품하자 시 제외)
이에 동의하시는 경우 아래의 '동의함' 버튼을 클릭하여 주세요.



* If the temperature and humidity of the brooding room (the place where the brooder is installed) is higher than the brooder,

the temperature and humidity cannot be lowered. / This product does not have cooling and dehumidification functions. 



*This product does not have cooling and dehumidification functions. 

If the temperature and humidity of the incubation room (the place where the incubator is installed) 

is higher than the incubator, the temperature and humidity cannot be lowered. 



Precautions when using the RCOM incubator

Thank you for choosing an RCOM incubator.

 Please be sure to check the following information before incubation.


Due to the high risks involved in incubating rare or costly eggs, it is recommended to test the incubator thoroughly before use. 
Unexpected problems may arise during the incubation process too. 
Please prepare an extra incubator to prevent such problems, 
and it is also very important to regularly observe the internal conditions and the condition of the eggs.

 Neither the manufacturer or distributor are liable for any loss off eggs or chicks as a result of the incubation process.




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